Mina Saud (Mina Al Zour) marine terminal is operated by Saudi Arabian Texaco Inc.The Oil terminal is located in the Kuwait Sector of the Partitioned zone,south of Ras Al Zour with one SPM berth. The Single Point Mooring Buoy is the primary loading point at the Texaco Mina Saud terminal.The SPM is located 5 Miles off shore Al - Zour. No Anchorage is allowed within 500 meters of the SPM.
Name of Dock/Pier - Saudi Arabian Chevron Terminal, SPM
Assigned Port Facility Name - Mina Al Zour
Name of Berth Including Location/Georaphic Location/Geo LAT-LON Position - Mina Saud (Mina Al Zour)
Longitude - 48 DEG 27' 54.5" EAST
Latitude - 28 DEG 45' 38.9" NORTH

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