The port is situated at the South end of the Khor Al Zubair where it joins the Khor Abdullah.The sea approach to Umm qasr is some 103 Km in length along the Khor Abdullah, commencing in deep waters off the Persian Gulf near the mouth of Shatt Al Arab Port Location. UNCTAD Code : IQUQR
- Latitude:30 Deg 02 N
- Longitude:47 Deg 57 N
- Admiralty Chart:235 Khawr Abdallah and appr. to Shatt Al Arab1228 Umm Qasr, Az Zubayr and approaches.
- Admiralty Pilot:63
- Time Zone:GMT + (Plus) 3 Hrs
- Port security Level:Level 1

The Iraqi Port Authority (IPA) is solely responsible for the tariff, including determination of cost.
The river or sea pilots are controlled by IPA out of Basra and not at Umm qasr port. Pilots are available in various Buoy locations at anchorage and boarding subject to berth availability & instruction from Port control. For un-berthing, Pilots are mobilized from Basra upon completion of necessary formalities.
Port Control - Channel 16, 14 & 12
Tugs & Pilot - Channel 12, Position closer to Buoy 2 near Al Basra Oil Terminal
Tidal Range - 3.0 to 4.0 M
Pilotage commences off the entrance to the Shatt-al-Arab waterway, the channel to Umm qasr which is well-lit and both wide and deep enough to allow vessels drawing up to 11m to Transit across either of the day's two High tides.
Restrictions might apply for sailing between Midnight to 0500 Hrs to HM discretion.
Lat 29 Deg 44.00 N, Long 48 Deg 40.00 E
Vessels calling Umm qasr and Khor al Zubayr are waiting on the vicinity closer b/w Buoy No.2 and Buoy No.3. Once Sea pilot boarding is confirmed, then vessel can proceed to the inner channel at the pilot station with co-ordinates for Pilot boarding Lat 29 Deg 42.12 N, Long 48 Deg 41.00 E.
Channel Pilot guide vessel upto Umm qasr port Inner anchorage.
Harbour Pilot guide vessels upto Umm qasr berths.
11 Mtrs SW as per IPA Verbal information.All vessels calling Umm Qasr port will require a pilot for channel passage to berth.The present pilot station is at Buoy No 21.
Details of Berths
Berth No | Length (In M) | Est. Permissible Draft | Remarks |